
Jesylilo/Dura hair/Gizza/Focus Poses

Dura /Jesylilo/Gizza Skins Jesylilo Hair *Dura-Boys&Girls*39
Skin *JeSyLiLO*:::Lazy Sunday:::*LightSkin*23
Jacket *JeSyLiLO*:::InflatedJacket Skirt:::*Creem -Recente Releases
Pants *JeSyLiLO*::Skinny Women's Jeans::Rough*Dirty
Boots  GizzA - Studded Boots -Mesh [Camel]

Hair NEW *Dura-Girl*44 
Skin *JeSyLiLO*:::Lazy Sunday:::*LightSkin*23
Jacket *JeSyLiLO*:::InflatedJacket Skirt:::Black  -Recente Releases
Pants *JeSyLiLO*:::Knotted Jeans:::*Dirty -Recente Releases
Boots  GizzA - Studded Boots -Mesh [Black]

Hair *Dura-Girl*30 FAT
Skin /Eyes *JeSyLiLO*:::Ashq:::*LightSkin
Jacket *JeSyLiLO*:::InflatedJacket Skirt:::*Red -Recente Releases
Pants and Belt *JeSyLiLO*::Skinny Women's Jeans::Smooth*Grey -Recente Releases
Boots  GizzA - Studded Boots -Mesh [GlamRed]

Poses Focus poses

Links Lands

Thanks Lilo

Thanks Chiaki xue

Thanks Giz seon 

Thanks Carol Kling

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